Tangy marinated chicken and mushrooms, wrapped in bacon and skewered. Excellent for entertaining and trying something new! These are a must-try! (They...
I love cheese so I experimented and found that this cheesy chicken pot pie is the greatest meat pie I have ever eaten! This recipe makes good use of any...
Thin, breaded chicken breasts topped with a flavorful lime-butter sauce. Pounding the breasts doesn't take long and the resulting tender chicken is worth...
Skinless, boneless chicken breasts are split and stuffed with mushrooms, ricotta, and feta cheeses and marinated artichokes and sprinkled with Italian...
This is a great recipe for a hot summer day, and it looks totally exotic so your guests will be amazed. You may want to spice the chicken up a bit more...
A tasty and paleo chicken, asparagus, and bacon dish that has a perfect added crunch from macadamia nuts. Super-quick and easy to prepare. Your paleo and...
Chicken breasts lightly seasoned with salt and pepper, then baked in a creamy mushroom mixture. A great chicken dinner that makes its own gravy. It came...
This is definitely NOT the healthiest way to grill chicken, but it's my grandfather's recipe and he's 92! My kids are the ones who have named this chicken...
Stew made of chicken, rice, onion, garlic, coconut milk, and spinach. Topped with shredded coconut. I serve this with warm tortillas. It reminds me of...
This is a quick-to-prepare and easy recipe my husband acquired from a friend. We've served it over rice and over fresh steamed vegetables. The sauce is...
Chicken breasts slow cooked with a creamy white wine and mushroom mixture. This quick and easy recipe calls for just five main ingredients, yet is tasty...
This pulled chicken crockpot dinner uses a slow cooker to prepare this great twist on basic barbecue chicken. Throw the chicken breasts in frozen, and...